2015年1月9日 星期五

[Network]IPv6 Support for Http File Server (HFS)

If you want to have access to HFS site via IPV6 you can use next hack:

1. Download relay6 from http://sourceforge.net/projects/relay6/files/
2. Unpack to some folder (e.g. C:\relay6)
3. Start it with next command from cmd

C:\>C:\relay6\relay6.exe 80 80 /b:"YourIPv6 Address"



Ubuntu Libreoffice add Chinese language

  sudo apt-get install libreoffice sudo apt-get install libreoffice-l10n-zh-tw libreoffice-help-zh-tw   如要新增簡體中文則輸入下方指令: sudo apt-get instal...